Patent management involves the strategic management of a company’s patent portfolio to maximize its value and minimize risks. A patent due diligence analysis is an indispensable asset for effective patent portfolio management. It helps determine the value of your patents and helps you monetize them through licensing, enforcement, or divestment.
In the context of patent management, due diligence involves conducting a thorough review of the company’s patent portfolio to assess its value, identify potential risks, and develop a strategy for maximizing the portfolio’s value. It can help identify potential infringers and prevent infringement of your patents. It can also assist you in formulating strategic plans to sue other companies for patent infringement. In this article, we will discuss the role of due diligence in patent management and how it can help companies to effectively manage their patent portfolio.

1. Identifying Potential Infringers
Conducting due diligence is a necessary part of any successful transaction, whether you’re purchasing or selling a patent portfolio. It helps determine its value by determining if you can monetize your patents through licensing, enforcement or divestment. Furthermore, due diligence helps assess and mitigate infringement risks caused by competitor patents or those of another party such as an NPE (Non-Practicing Entity).
A thorough investigation can often reveal hidden issues that were overlooked during the acquisition process. For instance, a company’s supply, distribution and marketing agreements need to be examined to see if the target uses goods or materials with patented technology or other intellectual property owned by third parties.
Additionally, a comprehensive review of a patent’s specification and prosecution history is an integral part of due diligence. These can often reveal issues that could invalidate the claims in question; for instance, if they don’t meet US law’s written description requirement, courts may find they weren’t sufficiently explained in language that an expert in the technical field could comprehend.
Therefore, having a robust patent portfolio is essential for businesses that wish to monetize their patents through licensing, litigation or divestment.
Early identification of potential infringers is essential in the creation of a new product or technology, as this can help avoid lawsuits that are both expensive and time-consuming to resolve.
To combat patent infringement and perform an FTO quickly, it’s essential for startups to commission a patent infringement analysis or perform one. Tech companies that are constantly developing and iterating their products as well as those developing licenses or entering into sales/distribution deals should prioritize this step.
By identifying potential infringers early in the product development cycle, companies can eliminate products that are vulnerable to liability and sidestep costly and lengthy litigation.

Here’s how you can go through the process in more detail-
A. Understanding Infringement Types
In the world of patent management, infringement can take many forms. It’s important to understand the two main types – direct and indirect infringement. Direct infringement is when a product or service makes use of a patented invention without the owner’s consent. Indirect infringement, on the other hand, involves contributing to or inducing others to infringe on a patent. Knowing the difference between these two can help in identifying potential infringers.
B. Conducting a Market Analysis
A comprehensive market analysis can help identify potential infringers. This involves staying abreast of the latest products or services being launched in the market and determining if they potentially infringe on your patents. Attending trade shows, subscribing to industry newsletters, and keeping an eye on competitor activities can all contribute to effective market analysis.
C. Leveraging Patent Mapping Tools
Patent mapping tools can be a valuable resource in identifying potential infringers. These tools allow for the comparison of patents and the identification of similarities between your patents and those of others. This can highlight any potential infringement issues early on.
D. Engaging a Patent Monitoring Service
There are specialized services that monitor patents and alert you to potential infringements. By providing these services with the specifics of your patent, they can continuously track and alert you to any activities that could pose a risk of infringement.
E. Seeking Legal Expertise
When potential infringers are identified, it may be necessary to consult with a patent attorney or a patent professional. These experts can review the situation, provide legal advice, and guide you through the necessary steps to protect your patent rights.
F. Communicating with Potential Infringers
If potential infringers are identified, it’s critical to communicate carefully. An attorney can help draft a letter that informs the infringer about the patent and asks for further clarification about their product or process. It’s important to handle these interactions cautiously to avoid triggering any legal dispute prematurely.
By employing these strategies, companies can effectively identify potential infringers and take swift action to protect their intellectual property rights.
A thorough and properly executed patent due diligence analysis can have a tremendously positive effect on the business. It helps companies reshape transactions, invigorate stalled negotiations, reconcile valuations and identify issues for resolution. Furthermore, parties gain knowledge that can guide educated decision-making and calculated risk taking with confidence.
2. Developing a Monetization Strategy
Crafting a successful patent monetization strategy is essential for any business plan. This involves conducting an exhaustive assessment of your company’s patent portfolio, whether you have one product or multiple offerings with various technologies. A qualified IP attorney should thoroughly review this data prior to making any decisions about how best to utilize your assets.
A robust and diverse patent portfolio is essential for protecting and expanding your company’s business. It provides you with the ability to enforce your rights against infringers, build brand recognition, and generate revenue.
By investing in an extensive analysis of your patent portfolio, you can unlock previously hidden value and make informed product, technology and investment decisions.
Monetization strategies include licensing, sale of patents, formation of a pool and enforcement against infringers. Depending on the nature of your invention, market conditions, business objectives and other elements you can select the monetization strategy that best meets your requirements.
For many companies, creating a monetization strategy can seem like an impossible challenge. It requires conducting IP valuation, studying the market and setting objectives that must all be taken into consideration; otherwise your strategy may not produce desired outcomes.
To avoid such missteps, it is essential to have a comprehensive monetization strategy that aligns with your organization’s objectives. Furthermore, this should be implemented by an experienced team from R&D, marketing, finance, legal and the patent department.
Another common error is failing to perform adequate due diligence on patents being monetized. This can be an expensive and time-consuming oversight that negatively affects your company’s profitability.
As such, having an experienced and trustworthy partner for the monetization of your intellectual property portfolio is essential. Fortunately, there are numerous firms that specialize in this service.
Syndefense, a global intellectual property firm, has been helping clients develop patent monetization strategies for years. It offers clients access to technical experts, market analysts, legal counsel and an expansive network of global IP executives who can execute projects quickly and successfully.

Due diligence when considering how to monetize your patents should involve a team of qualified intellectual property professionals with extensive expertise in patent valuation, risk analysis, litigation trends and infringement management. Furthermore, these specialists must have access to an extensive and diverse network of relationships with buyers and licensees.
3. Developing a Portfolio of “On the Shelf” Patents
Nowadays, Fortune 500 companies and many mid-range and large businesses rely heavily on intellectual property (IP). A robust IP portfolio is essential for fundraising, leverage in business transactions, and exit strategies – just to name a few.
Patents are rights granted by the government to inventors that permit them to exclude others from using patented technologies. Unfortunately, patents do not last in perpetuity – this means elements of a portfolio may become invalid and thus lose their value.
Patent management is an ongoing endeavor that necessitates meticulous attention to detail and long-term planning. A qualified team can assist in developing a robust patent portfolio that safeguards your company’s competitive edge.
To effectively develop a patent portfolio for your company, begin by conducting an in-depth assessment of existing assets. This will enable you to identify any encumbrances or areas where additional patents may be needed in order to adequately safeguard its interests.
Some encumbrances that could reduce the value of a patent portfolio include ownership issues and title defects. These can impede assigning monetary values to patents within an array, which is essential during business deals such as mergers and acquisitions (M&A).
Another crucial consideration is evaluating market risk. This involves determining if there is sufficient demand for the technology in question, which can be done through analysis of market data.
When assessing the market risk of a patent portfolio, it’s essential to stay away from areas which are currently not in high demand. This includes RNA Epigenetics, which has yet to develop an adequate market.
Conversely, certain areas do have a robust market. For instance, mobile phones have enormous potential to expand.
Furthermore, having a robust patent portfolio can shield your company from competitors who might file lawsuits against you. This could be done by creating an “on the shelf” patent portfolio that covers targeted products from rivals or by identifying additional patent prosecution opportunities.

4. Developing a Licensing Strategy
Licensing is the practice of selling intellectual property rights to someone else for money. This strategy is often employed by businesses looking to expand their operations or enhance their product. Furthermore, licencing can provide companies with a competitive edge by identifying and asserting patents that could be used against rivals for infringement claims.
When formulating a licensing strategy for a company, the ideal fit between their overall strategic direction and an income-producing license agreement should be taken into consideration. Furthermore, multiple options exist today for products, allowing these strategies to be tailored across various industries and markets.
When licensing a product or service, the licensee must first decide at what stage of development it is in and how much control they wish over production, marketing and sales activities. Furthermore, companies need to assess how much time and financial resources they are willing to devote to international trade as well as their capacity for managing any risks that might come along the way.
Additionally, the licensee must carefully assess the terms of the agreement. It should be able to negotiate with the licensor until matters such as long-term profitability, room for expansion and royalties are settled in a way that appeals to both parties.
Another critical consideration for companies looking to license their product or technology is the company’s capacity for managing international aspects of the deal, including finding an appropriate partner and negotiating a favorable contract. A reliable law firm with expertise in international trade should create the license agreement and supervise any relationship between the company and licensee.
When creating licensing strategies for international markets, licensors must remember that each country has unique culture, linguistics, legal systems and restrictions as well as consumer behavior. Furthermore, successful international licensing campaigns aren’t always achievable due to market structures, retail patterns, or other factors which may make it challenging or impossible to craft and execute a comprehensive global approach effectively.
Due diligence plays a critical role in patent management by helping companies to identify potential risks and liabilities, maximize the value of their patent portfolio, assess the competitive landscape, streamline patent prosecution, and manage patent licensing and litigation. By conducting due diligence on their patent portfolio, companies can effectively manage their intellectual property and maintain a competitive advantage in the market. Besides the due diligence process in patent management enables companies to develop a defensive patent strategy. A defensive patent strategy involves acquiring patents that can be used to protect against potential litigation or infringement risks. By identifying potential litigation risks and developing a defensive patent strategy, companies can protect their patent portfolio and reduce the overall risk associated with patent ownership.