Having a good understanding of how the examiners at the USPTO (United States Patent and Trademark Office) are likely to act can be crucial to your success in obtaining patents. This article looks at what the data tells us about the examiners and how we can use it to make sure we get the most out of our interactions with Patent Examiners.

Shed light on Patent Examination history
Using patent data to understand USPTO examiners is a useful exercise. One of the most intriguing aspects of the USPTO is its large number of patent examiners. These are tasked with reviewing the thousands of new applications that pass through the doors of the Office. Each of these examiners have their own specialties. The most notable ones include the Business Methods division, the Office of Patent Application Processing, the Application Assistance Unit, and the Patent Examiner Technical Training Program. Each of these offices provides a wide range of resources and information to applicants. The best part is that they are free and open to the public. In fact, the public is a key element in the agency’s ability to ensure the quality of the resulting patents.
Patent data can be used to gain insights into the behavior and decision-making processes of USPTO examiners. This information can be useful for businesses and individuals seeking to better understand the patent examination process and improve the chances of obtaining a patent.
For example, patent data can be analyzed to identify trends and patterns in the types of patents being granted or rejected by examiners. This information can be used to determine what factors are most likely to influence an examiner’s decision and can help to guide the preparation and presentation of patent applications.
Patent data can also be used to track the performance of individual examiners, such as their grant and rejection rates, and to identify any biases or inconsistencies in their decision-making. This information can be used to improve the quality and efficiency of the patent examination process and to ensure that examiners are making fair and impartial decisions.
Overall, using patent data to understand USPTO examiners can help businesses and individuals navigate the patent system more effectively and increase the chances of obtaining a valuable and enforceable patent.

Prioritized examination
Using patent data, a prioritized examination is a way to fast track patent examination. In order to obtain prioritized examination, the applicant must have a properly filed RCE. The application will then be referred to the examiner for a quick evaluation. If the examiner determines that the application is not in compliance with the prior art, the applicant will be notified through a decision on request.
For applicants to obtain prioritized examination, they must file their application electronically via the USPTO’s EFS-Web system. The application must also contain no more than four independent claims. Applicants may also consider amendments that cast dependent claims in independent form. However, these amendments are subject to limitations that apply to allowed applications and final rejections.
In addition to paying an additional fee, applicants must follow other requirements to obtain prioritized examination. They must have a complete specification, including a complete schedule of claims. Applicants should also have good knowledge of the prior art and be prepared to have an interview with the examiner.
The examiner is often overwhelmed with patent applications. If you are a time-sensitive applicant, a prioritized examination can provide you with early feedback on whether the application is patentable. Despite the additional fees and costs, a prioritized examination can help you to expedite your prosecution.
The priority examination process has become very popular. In fact, thousands of applications have used this method to obtain quick examination. As such, the USPTO has launched a pilot program called Track One. The pilot is designed to speed up examination of plant and utility applications. Applicants can request a prioritized examination at the same time they file utility application.