Whether you’re new to patent searching or you just want to get better results, there are a number of tools that you can use to search for patents. These include Image search engines, Abstracts and Relativity Patents.
Using modern patent search tools for better results requires a bit of knowledge. A good understanding of what patents are, how they work and what they can do is necessary to make the most of the patent search process.
There are several different types of patent searches available. These range from free services to subscription-based solutions. The goal is to find the most relevant documents for your research. The following are a few tips to help you get started.
Use a combination of keywords and classification terms. This is especially important when searching for prior art. Regular keyword searches do not take into account more abstract terms. They may also result in suboptimal results.
A State of the Art search is essentially a survey of all the documents that are relevant to your research. These may include grey literature, conventional literature, and even patents.
In general, the more expensive patent search services offer sophisticated analytics and powerful search capabilities. These are useful when you need to quickly find documents related to a certain topic.
The EPO (European Patent Office) publishes patents. These are made public by convention. This is a vital resource for academics and businesses. It is also a great way to find out about recently developed inventions.
The patent search process involves several stages. First, you need to find the most relevant classification term. Then you need to identify the closest prior art publications. These are the documents that were publicly available before the filing date of your patent application.
Then you need to find the most relevant queries. For example, if you are researching self-propelled roller skates, you may want to search for a patent that describes how to power roller skates with nuclear power.
The European Patent Office has a search tool called IPRally. This is a web-based patent search tool that is driven by examiner trained AI data. You can score and annotate patents, and it features many of the patent search strategies of the other products mentioned above.
Finally, if you want to do a full-text search, you can go to a database like PatBase. This database contains over 88 million patent publications, including 46 million consolidated patent families. It is a very useful resource for both research and consulting. It is also searchable in Non-Latin languages.

Image search engines
Using a modern patent search tool will give you a leg up on the competition. A little bit of research into the history of the patent will pay dividends in the long run. A well executed patent search will save you money, time and sanity. This is the era of the savvy consumer. A little planning and a fair amount of patience can go a long way. This is particularly true if you are looking for patents relating to your business.
If you want a patent search tool that will put you in the driving seat, take a look at TotalPatent One. This patent database is chock full of high resolution patent drawings and full text documents. This is a worthy contender to the triumph triumph of the title. The best part is that they do not charge a fortune for your patent search services. It is a worthwhile investment. A patent search can be as simple as an RSS feed and as complex as a custom tailored search engine. Using the right tool can be a breeze.
Relativity Patents
Using modern patent search tools can provide business leaders with important insights for strategic decision-making. They can also be used to study the development of a technology, identify market leaders and discover new inventions.
Getting a full picture of a patent requires going to more than one database. The best place to start is by exploring the range of free search tools available. These may include an online encyclopedia or trade journals. They often offer a good entry level user experience and provide thorough search results.
Another option is to use regional databases, which can offer patent search results from other countries. Examples of these include the Canadian Patent Database and the Korean Intellectual Property Rights Information Service. But be sure to check that they are up to date before relying on them for your research.
The simplest type of search is the State of the Art search, which is essentially a survey of all relevant documents. It includes conventional literature, such as press releases, theses and scientific articles, as well as grey literature, such as patents published before the date of filing a patent application.
A more sophisticated method involves using a database that combines concepts in a user-friendly way. It is a good idea to use the Advanced Search page of a patent database. This allows you to filter search results by geography, classification codes and ownership information.
The next step is to conduct a Boolean search, which lets you search for several keywords in the same document. This results in many more hits. Usually, the more forward-cited a patent is, the more likely it is to be relevant.
Another way to get a complete picture of a patent is to use a global patent search engine. These are designed to give users a wide range of search results, ranging from patents issued in the United States to those issued in Japan.
A more advanced method is to combine patent search tools with other data sources, such as the Common Citation Document. This tool provides access to a variety of patents, including US, Japanese and European patents.
Getting the full picture
Whether you are new to patent searching or you are an experienced professional, using modern patent search tools can give you better results. There are a variety of resources available, from free to expensive. The more expensive services offer sophisticated analytics and search capabilities.
There are also a number of dedicated patent search resources. While you may be tempted to try a free service, these usually do not offer the level of sophistication you need. The more expensive services offer the type of sophisticated analytics you need, along with a good user interface.

The first step in any patent search is to determine which databases to use. Nearly every patent authority maintains its own database of patent records. While searching these databases separately will take a lot of time, it is possible to perform global patent searches. However, this can lead to a huge amount of results.
A more advanced approach to a patent search involves the use of the stem feature. The stem feature will search for terms that begin with a keyword. This is especially helpful if you have several keywords and classification terms.
You can also try INTELLIXIR, a patent and knowledge discovery website. This web application uses an AI technology to extract text words from patent resources. It then ensures that the words match well with scientific articles and patents. It also provides dynamic reporting capabilities. You can receive notifications about relevant patents, and also search thousands of documents in a protected ASP mode.
Another patent search tool that you may want to check out is PatBase. This is a comprehensive patent search platform that allows you to search for patents by keyword, date, or company name. It also includes an advanced analysis tool that allows you to visualize and analyze patent data. You can also export your results in HTML, Excel, and Word.
In addition to a user-friendly interface, you can filter your search results by geographic location, classification code, date, and ownership information. In the sidebar, you can find patent document previews. These include images of patents, abstracts, and claims. You can also download full-text documents.